The Education Readiness project aims to improve cooperation between key actors in the educational system with different backgrounds and areas of expertise in order to resolve the current problems schools are dealing with since the COVID crisis started and improve the management of switching toward more digital education. The OECD report “Education and COVID-19: Focusing on the long-term impact of school closures (July,20)” states it takes time to adapt and switch to distance learning, international reports highlighted the difficulties schools face to integrate the technologies of information and communication into the classroom This potential learning loss is determined by two concurring factors:
– how many students have learned during school closures — the “intensive margin” — refers to the efficiency of education continuity solutions.
– how many students continued to learn during the school closures —the “extensive margin” —refers to the share of students engaged in the education continuity solutions. Being able to exploit the potential of digital solutions is not only a question of digital skills among teachers and students but also a question of financial resources. In all partner countries, schools have limited financial resources to implement paid pedagogical learning solutions. Knowledge about and the ability to use open-source learning resources in a good pedagogical way is therefore in great demand. Likewise, having access to administration tools improve communication between school – student – home. Finding in all partner countries and supported by the 2nd Survey of Schools: ICT in Education shows low confidence in teachers’ digital competence, especially within digital content creation. Surprisingly in our digital world, both teachers and pupils are not familiar with technological educational devices that allow the use of innovative teaching methods, such as distance learning. This competence gap does not refer only to the competence in the use of a specific technology, but also to the planning of teaching complementary to that in the classroom in co-presence This gives a clear need to equip teachers/educators with the skills/knowledge of developing their own digital materials, use them in a good pedagogical way and to evaluate/assess their students in an online environment. The target groups of this project are schools and their staff and teachers. Apart from the need to equip schools and families with digital devices, which is beyond projects capacity, all partner countries except Norway, have a huge need for a secure digital communication platform to be used at a low cost in order to meet the challenges regarding communication between schools and home. In total these challenges give school management a need to develop and implement their strategy for Digital school since successfully use of devices, tools, the software does not automatically make teachers perform better and students learn more. Cooperation between the formal educational system and expertise outside this system is a key competence for success. As findings from UDIR in Norway tells, successful implementation depends on what is going on and how and when the digital is integrated into the teaching. The project will use SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational Technologies), described in Digital Education Action Plan (2018 – 2020), before and after the project implementation to measure the progress.
Summarized the project aims to:
1. Create methods, tools, and guidelines within digital pedagogical competencies among educators. What are the success criteria, evaluate/assess their students in an online environment.
2. Create knowledge about and development guidelines for practical use of open educational resources and equip teachers with the skills/knowledge of developing their own digital materials.
3. Create easy to use, low and secure E-Communication tool for improved communication between school and home, which require a minimum of digital skills to implement by both schools, teachers, students, and parents.
4. Create and promote the European label “Digital Friendly Schools”, a certification for the schools that apply the guidelines developed inside the project. The three former outputs will bring to the definition of a set of requirements and steps for acquiring this recognition! The RESET project aims to approach the actual needs and challenges linked to the use of digital education within schools from Europe. As stated by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) (2020), teachers should continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning. That is why a transnational approach is needed in order for those big challenges to be effectively tackled and solved. Moreover, the Digital Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA226 – Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness Form ID: KA226-67529CED

ValueMe hosted the 1st RESET TPM