COVID-19 crises led to fast digitization of the learning process in most European countries. The students, teachers, and educational stakeholders supporting the school system had to deal with the situation very quickly, even though they were not ready. In recent months, as a result of the interruption of the educational process in schools, teachers and students have been placed in an unfamiliar, unconventional, and challenging environment. The transition to distance learning has tested the ability of school leaders, teachers, and students to adapt flexibly to a learning situation in which participants are spatially separated and the interaction between them is mediated. The efforts that were made in the whole sphere of education were enormous. Knowledge and lessons learned to describe the demand for using learning resources in a good pedagogical way and to equip teachers/educators with the skills/knowledge of developing their own digital materials.
Digital friendly schools are also to prepare not only the teachers but also school management and staff, students, and parents to avoid some lessons learned from spring 2020.

The first kick-off meeting of the project: “Digital pedagogical strategy for Z generation”, KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education, № 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000032544 was held from 09th to 10th February 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Thematic fields of the kick-off meeting:

  • Digital Pedagogical Strategy tasks distribution of the IO1, IO2 IO3
  • Debriefing Quality PLAN, Project Handbook, Web-based Mapping tool, Dissemination plan and Online toolkit.
  • Timetable on the next TPMs in Norway, Poland, and the LTT in Lithuania
  • Participants in the TPM: 19 High School” Elin Pelin, Valueme, Prios, Grigiskes Sviesos, Liceum
  • Bulgaria, Norway, Lithuania, Poland